Monday, July 25, 2011

Using jQuery

Recently I was trying to figure out how to create some graphics and animations on web pages using JavaScript. After searching on the Internet I found that there are quite a few graphics libraries that can be used with JavaScript. I wasn’t sure which one would suite my purposes. Then I learned about jQuery. jQuery is a JavaScript library that allows you to add graphics and animations as well as many other enhancements to interactive web pages. After going through a couple of jQuery tutorial videos on It was easy for me to see just how powerful it can be. I’ve learned some the basics of manipulating text. You can hide text and make it appear by clicking on a link. I’m sure you can add a button to make the text appear to add a more graphical experience to a web page. You can also manipulate how the text appears, such as fading in or sliding in. You can also alter the speed that the text appears. There are more tutorial videos that I wish to go through to enhance my knowledge of jQuery to create some interesting interactive web pages. 

Another thing that I learned serendipitously in the youtube tutorials on jQuery was how to create websites using Visual Studio. I’ve used Visual Studio in the past for C/C++ development, but I’ve always used a rudimentary text editor or a program called arachnophilia to create HTML documents. Arachnophilia is a nice free HTML editor. Creating web sites with Visual Studio is very convenient because it makes it easy to identify typos and missing delimiters and also gives you hints about what keywords can be used with certain functions and HTML tags. It also provides references and tutorials for the programming languages that it supports including HTML and CSS.

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