Monday, July 18, 2011

A Useful Interactive Web Page

I was thinking that maybe an interactive web page dedicated to shopping on family websites may be useful. Say, for instance, that a family member notices that they are running low on milk, bread, or any other thing that is needed in the household he or she could go to the family’s shopping page and add those items. An entire shopping list could be added to the web page. Any other family members that happen to be out and about could check the web page on their mobile device before coming home to see what should be picked up at the store before returning. Perhaps the capability can be added so that they can remove the items from the list as they are purchased.

As I think more about it I see that there are a couple of problems with that idea. First, the webpage would need to be password protected so that it is not accessible to the general public who could add or remove items from the list. Second, how could the information be stored? I did a little googling about how to create files using JavaScript and most of the articles that I've read say that you cannot create files using JavaScript through a browser because that would be a security risk. At any rate, I think it would be a convenience to have an interactive web page that has that capability if JavaScript allows for password protected web pages that can somehow store input information that can be retrieved later from another location.

I have gotten some very good feedback on this suggestion. One suggestion by Karen Lamphier was to use a back-end database to store the information. William Allo commented that this type of application already exists on mobile devices that synchronizes items on a list with other mobile devices and allows for adding and removing items.

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