Saturday, June 11, 2011

Internet and the Media

The Internet has had a profound effect on how I get the news. I can't remember the last time that I bought a newspaper and I hardly ever watch the news on TV anymore. If I lived by myself I probably wouldn't even own a television. I watch TV shows and movies on my computer. I listen to music on my computer. There is so much content on the Internet to keep us informed and entertained that it boggles the mind. I’ve come to rely on my computer so much that when there is a power outage I feel totally lost. I have a friend that has never owned a computer. I can’t help but feel that he is still living in the 70s. He is retired now, but when he was working he never had to use a computer in his line of work. It just amazes me that in this day and age and in this technologically advanced country that there is a person that has never used a computer. When he comes to visit I’ll show him videos or play some music on my computer and it’s like showing a caveman fire for the first time. I tell him that he should think about getting a computer. He says that he doesn’t need one because he has a television, CD player, and telephone. I tell him that he can have all of that and more on a computer. He’s too stubborn to listen. Maybe I’ll be able to convince him someday by giving him one of my older computers. Then maybe he’ll see what he’s been missing.

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