Friday, June 3, 2011


I set up a blog some years ago. After I entered all of the information to create the blog account I was ready to go. It was then that I realized, to my horror, that I had nothing to say. What shall I blog about? Or a better question is, what shall I blog about that people would be interested in reading? Well, now I find myself in that exact situation. Does anyone really care about how I spent my day working in the yard or painting my porch? I know that I wouldn’t. Then I had the idea to blog about something that I would be interested in reading if someone else had written it. Maybe I could blog about computers, or baseball, or theoretical physics. I’m sure there are people out there that would be interested in those subjects. I also know that there are people that wouldn’t be interested in those subjects judging by the way my wife’s eyes glaze over when I try to talk about them with her. Now the problem is can I come up with enough material on any of those subjects to complete 20+ blog entries. I’m still undecided. I’m leaning towards just playing it by ear and blogging about whatever comes to mind at the time I sit down to write.

1 comment:

  1. Hi John,
    I agree that trying to think of something to write about can be really difficult. I am alternating between what I see going on in my world and what I need to write for this class. There will always be someone interested in what you have to say, so just go for it. I vote for theoretical physics just because it sounds interesting. :)
